Gain an understanding of the critical questions necessary for an initial adult sexual history intake interview. 

Enhance your skills as a sex therapist by becoming more proficient in taking a sexual history.

Build trust with your clients through comfortable discussions about their sexual experiences.

All the Questions you need to take a  Basic Sexual History

The Adult Basic Sexual History Intake Interview is designed for sex therapists seeking a comprehensive screener to understand their clients' sexuality. From childhood experiences to present-day concerns, this questionnaire covers all aspects of an initial sexual history, enabling you to focus your assessment on only the topics that matter.

Meet Your Guide:  Jordan Rullo, PhD, ABPP, CST-S

As an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Supervisor, supervisees often ask me, "Is there a sexual history interview I should use?" Although current publications offer theoretical frameworks about how to conduct a sexual history, it's rare for a publication to provide an actual detailed sexual history interview . . . until now!  This digital download is the result of my 10+ years as a Clinical Health Psychologist specializing in sexual health and my experience co-authoring the publication Best Practices in North American Pre-Clinical Medical Education in Sexual History Taking (Rubin et al., 2018) in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. I'm excited to share this tool with you! 

Ready to Enhance Your Sex Therapy Skills?

Take a step towards improving your sexual history-taking skills with the  Adult Basic Sexual History Intake Interview.

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